Monday, January 31, 2011

You Are Psychic - Sensing Energy Fields and Auras

Yes, you ARE psychic!  Right now I want to show you how good you are at sensing energy fields.

Think about some people you've met in the past or currently know; the ones who have that attractive quality you just can't put your finger on.  They draw others to them like ants to sugar.  You feel happy when around them, energized, light.

Then there are people who just give you the creeps to be around.  Again, you can't put a name on why you feel that way, but usually we say they give off "bad vibes." And that's just it! The person is giving off bad vibes. Later you may find out you were right all along.  The person did something that was mean, sneaky, or even criminal.  You are sensing their aura field!

You can use this method when seeking out a soulmate. Whenever you're on a date or meet someone for the first time, try to get a sense of what their energy feels like.  Maybe you just get good or bad feelings, perhaps you see an odd symbol or two floating around in your mind, you could hear or see words, etc. Pay attention to these gut instincts. This way you can avoid negative relationships and pursue healthier ones.

Have you ever felt good or bad energy coming off a person?  Did you later find out you were right? Everyone has their own unique psychic ability. Spend sometime getting in tune with yours! In my book Psychic Living Developing Your Intuition I cover many ways in which you can tap into and strengthen your natural psychic gifts.

Light and blessings,

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Contacting And Working With Your Spirit Guides

 Overcome Obstacles And Manifest Your Every Desire

We all have spirit guides in our lives who are ready, willing and able to help us … if we can only learn to connect with them and ask for help. This is where Contacting And Working With Your Spirit Guides - Overcome Obstacles And Manifest Your Every Desire! comes in. Whether you're seeking a soul mate, craving a new career, or frustrated with your finances, I take something that seems out of reach for so many and make it fun, easy and doable.

Once you finish reading this book and putting the short exercises into action you'll be communicating with your spirit guides on a daily basis. These wise and powerful beings can guide you in the right direction, helping you avoid pitfalls and bringing new opportunities your way. Pursuing your dreams and goals has never been this easy!

Have you met any of your guides or caught glimpses of them? Have you experienced any coincidences that later led to something positive? I'd love to hear your comments!

Light and blessings,


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Three Steps To Make The Law Of Attraction Work For You

There's really no secret to the law of attraction. In fact, there are three simple steps that will make it work for you. Whether you realize it or not, the law of attraction is always working in your life. Most people don't believe this is true since they believe that the law of attraction only brings good things.

If there aren't many positive things going on in their life then they think "the Law" isn't working for them, but the truth is that positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. If you're life isn't filled with success, happiness, love, health and abundance you aren't using the law of attraction to benefit yourself, you're subconsciously focusing on negative and attracting that instead. But here's how to change it.

Make Your Intentions Clear

You have to know what you want before you can ask for it and start making the Law work for you. Knowing what you want isn't easy though. Sure, you instinctively know when you're hungry, hot, cold, thirsty, happy, afraid, and so on. The problem is, your conscious and subconscious is filled with so many thing from your past, present, and even future hopes and worries that it's difficult to focus on what you actually want at this point in time.

Think about what your truly want for your life and in your life. Make a list of at least 3-10 clear goals. Why do you want these things in your life? How will it help you or make you happier? Without clear intentions there's no way you can attract what you truly want and need.

Your conscious and unconscious thoughts produce everything you have in your life. If every part of your mind and soul aren't in sync with what you truly want to attract then you'll continue to live the life you've been living or live in chaos. When your conscious and subconscious are contrary to one another you'll defeat yourself every step of the way.

Visualize That It's Already Yours

Set aside a few minutes each morning and each evening to visualize what you want. Close your eyes and imagine in every detail what your life will be like if you had this (person/job/money/home/weight loss/etc.) in your life. Visualize yourself already having it in your life since this is very important in making the law of attraction work for you. Focusing on having what you want creates positive energy. It sends out vibrations into the world and universe that come back to you, bringing you what you desire most.

Be Ready To Receive

This is the one area where most people fail. They change their thoughts to focus on positive things, they do their visualization, but they simply can't open themselves up to receiving the abundance they crave. Whether they feel they don't deserve good things or have simply gotten into the habit of living life as-is, they usually hit a a wall at this point in their path.

You have every right to be as happy and successful as the next person. Nobody is born under a lucky star, we are all capable of greatness. Know that you can and will have all you desire then be open to receiving it.

What things do you hope to attract within the next 12 months and which things do you want to let go of? I'd love to hear from you!

Light and blessings,

Friday, January 21, 2011

Achieving Happiness Through Meditation

They say if you want to be happy you simply have to act happy. But is this enough? I don't think so. You might be buried under debt, health problems, relationship issues, or have simply gotten into the habit of thinking negatively. It's really easy to see the glass as half empty.  How can you be happy when you've got so many obstacles in your life? Interestingly enough, studies have shown that if you think positive rather than negative then life is much happier and you're more able to find solutions to problems.

It all comes back to you

What we give out we receive, so if you're giving out happy vibes then those will come back to you. You'll find that more opportunities come your way and that life isn't nearly as gray as you once thought it was. Makes sense, right? A good life filled with good people, good health, and enough money is what makes people happy. So how can you get into this positive mindset?  Through meditation.

How to meditate

There are many ways to meditate and no one way is better than the next. All I do when life is getting the best of me or when I need some guidance is to take a time out. I go into my room, light a few candles and incense, put on a nature CD then sit on my bed and close my eyes. For a few minutes I just focus on my breathing and consciously relax every part of my body.

When I feel good and relaxed I ask my spirit guides to help me with a current problem, or the strength to not wring someone's neck if they've really upset me. Yes, meditation is great for overcoming anger! Sometimes I receive pictures in my mind or words, other times it's just a "knowing" as to how to solve a problem, and at times I don't get anything but do feel confident that I'll get the information I need when the Universe is ready.

How meditation makes you happy

Being happy really is a frame of mind, but you need to get into that mindset and then recall how you got to that point until it becomes habit. This is why meditation is so helpful. When you're feeling negative it causes stress in your mind, body, and soul. When you're stressed you feel negative.  It's a vicious circle and meditation can break it. As you meditate you relax and this opens up doorways to possibilities that you can't find when you're tightly closed off by negativity.

Does this mean that you're going to feel happy 24/7 if you meditate? Not a chance! We're human, at least while on Earth, and life is tough. Not to mention you've got all of these chemicals and hormones running around inside you and things happening externally that can affect your mood. But, I can guarantee that if you meditate just for a few minutes each day you will be happier in all areas of your life. Every one of my clients that meditates emails me to say how amazing they feel when they do it and how they feel lost, lazy, depressed and negative when they stop.

It won't happen over night

Your life didn't get to where it is over night and it won't change that quickly either. Think of it like digging a ditch. You've been digging for awhile and you're used to being in this ditch, but meditation will help you to fill the negative ditch up and get you back on a happier path in life.

It's a matter of choices

Every day you're faced with dozens of choices and those choices you make get you to where you'll be tomorrow and years from now. So, every decision you made in the past got you to where you are at this point in time. Yes, you can say that outside influences caused your problems, but in reality it was the choices you made. That's really hard for most people to accept, but once you do it's very freeing! If you made bad choices yesterday then guess what? You can make good choices today and tomorrow.

By taking the time to meditate and think about who you are, what you have, and what you truly want and need, you'll be loosening yourself up and opening doorways of possibility. Start meditating about some basic changes you want to make in your life. If you refuse to make changes then you'll just keep living the life you have at the moment. However, just a few minutes of meditation each day can help you discover true happiness.

If you need some help finding your way out of a current situation, if you want to know what good changes await you, or if you have a problem or goal you need guidance on, a psychic reading can really help.

Do you think that happiness is simply a mindset or is it more than that? If you've ever meditated, did you have a good experience? Was it easy? Do you do it regularly? If not, why? I'd love to hear from you!

Light and blessings,