Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Chakras - Energy Centers Of The Body

Siddhasana, Yoga Asana, adept's or perfect pos...Image via Wikipedia
 What Are Chakras?

Not everyone believes in the presence of chakras, but if you think of them as energy centers within your body, a bit like smaller auras, it’s easier to imagine. These centers are conduits for universal energy, linking your consciousness and higher mind.

Think of yourself as a whole lot of energy contained in a flesh and blood vessel. If you want to strengthen your psychic abilities you need to strengthen your energy centers. When your chakras are balanced you’ll feel more at peace, have a clearer mind, feel more connected to Spirit, will be healthier, and your intuition will be heightened.

“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex, and refers to the many energy centers of your body. These energy centers are not visible to the human eye, though intuitive people are able to see chakras in their mind's eye.

There are hundreds of chakras in the human body, but we only need to focus on the seven main chakras that line up from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra has a particular color associated with it and represents certain aspects of your physical, emotional, and spiritual body. The chakras are made of pure energy and each one spins with its own unique vibration, gathering and releasing energy as they turn.

Your physical health can play a huge role on your spiritual health and vice versa. If one or more of your chakras are out of balance then it will affect your spiritual energy. Once this is out of whack a whole host of ailments—mental, physical, emotional and spiritual—can crop up.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Still Struggling? Here's Why

Are you stuck in one or more areas of life and, no matter how hard you try, things stay the same or move forward at a snail’s pace? Why does this happen? Why are you still struggling despite your best efforts? How can you be successful?

The answers to these questions are actually pretty simple yet they might not be what you want to hear. It seems that most people are looking for the magic answer that will propel them from point A to point Z over night. It doesn’t work that way. I know you don’t actually expect instant results but you do want to see some results for your efforts, right? Then why is your life stubbornly stuck?

Whether you want to find your soulmate, get a better job, end your financial worries once and for all, shed those extra pounds, or find your life purpose, it all has to do with the connection between your brain and your soul. As you go through life you’re in a constant tug-of-war with your logical mind and your spiritual soul. Also, your gray matter has had some faulty programming along the way due to your past. What you grew up with is who you’ve become, like it or not. Sure, you can change it, but it takes time.

Maybe you’re aware that the past has really done a number on you or perhaps you’re totally oblivious. The bottom line is you want things to be different. A few of the reasons why your life isn’t moving or you can’t find what you’re looking for are:

The One Track Soul

The more I do readings the more I realize that the soul prefers to handle one problem at a time. Once that’s taken care of it can move on to something else. For example, I have several clients that have been struggling with their jobs. Some want out and want a better job but they can’t seem to find one. Others are dealing with negative people in the office who make it impossible to enjoy their work. Still others are simply bored and want a more fulfilling career. Since working takes up a great deal of time every day it’s naturally at the forefront of their mind. However, some of these clients also want to find their soulmate, but true love remains elusive. Why?

Since their careers are on their mind so much the brain and soul consider this a top priority and everything else is pushed aside. What you focus on expands. It doesn’t matter if Mr. or Ms. Right was standing in front of them, they wouldn’t notice this person or would somehow find fault. Their souls are in “career mode” and until they do something about it true love will be difficult, if not impossible, to find. This is the frustration of dealing with the one-track soul.

The best way to blast through this problem is to learn how to let things go and not bring them home with you, or to really rev up your career engines and get things moving. How often have you told yourself that you’re trying hard and doing all you can? Think about it though, are you really? Most of the time we spend far more time worrying and thinking than actually doing! Rather than dwelling on how badly you want things to change make a commitment to do something about it each and every day. Taking small steps will add up to big changes over time.

Karmic Lessons

This is the other reason why life gets stuck or we keep finding ourselves in the same situations again and again. In past lives and even our current life we’ve made mistakes, hurt others, and have hurt ourselves as well. A past life reading can uncover your most important karmic lesson at this time, but an easy way to find out what it is you need to heal and mend is to take a look at your life and see where it isn’t working. What’s the major problem right now? Is it the fact that you’re in a bad relationship or keep choosing people who don’t treat you right? Does money slip through your fingers no matter how careful you try to control it? Do you struggle with weight or anxiety or low self-esteem or anger or addictions or anything else that continuously holds you back? Read the rest here...