Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Chakras - Energy Centers Of The Body

Siddhasana, Yoga Asana, adept's or perfect pos...Image via Wikipedia
 What Are Chakras?

Not everyone believes in the presence of chakras, but if you think of them as energy centers within your body, a bit like smaller auras, it’s easier to imagine. These centers are conduits for universal energy, linking your consciousness and higher mind.

Think of yourself as a whole lot of energy contained in a flesh and blood vessel. If you want to strengthen your psychic abilities you need to strengthen your energy centers. When your chakras are balanced you’ll feel more at peace, have a clearer mind, feel more connected to Spirit, will be healthier, and your intuition will be heightened.

“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex, and refers to the many energy centers of your body. These energy centers are not visible to the human eye, though intuitive people are able to see chakras in their mind's eye.

There are hundreds of chakras in the human body, but we only need to focus on the seven main chakras that line up from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra has a particular color associated with it and represents certain aspects of your physical, emotional, and spiritual body. The chakras are made of pure energy and each one spins with its own unique vibration, gathering and releasing energy as they turn.

Your physical health can play a huge role on your spiritual health and vice versa. If one or more of your chakras are out of balance then it will affect your spiritual energy. Once this is out of whack a whole host of ailments—mental, physical, emotional and spiritual—can crop up.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Still Struggling? Here's Why

Are you stuck in one or more areas of life and, no matter how hard you try, things stay the same or move forward at a snail’s pace? Why does this happen? Why are you still struggling despite your best efforts? How can you be successful?

The answers to these questions are actually pretty simple yet they might not be what you want to hear. It seems that most people are looking for the magic answer that will propel them from point A to point Z over night. It doesn’t work that way. I know you don’t actually expect instant results but you do want to see some results for your efforts, right? Then why is your life stubbornly stuck?

Whether you want to find your soulmate, get a better job, end your financial worries once and for all, shed those extra pounds, or find your life purpose, it all has to do with the connection between your brain and your soul. As you go through life you’re in a constant tug-of-war with your logical mind and your spiritual soul. Also, your gray matter has had some faulty programming along the way due to your past. What you grew up with is who you’ve become, like it or not. Sure, you can change it, but it takes time.

Maybe you’re aware that the past has really done a number on you or perhaps you’re totally oblivious. The bottom line is you want things to be different. A few of the reasons why your life isn’t moving or you can’t find what you’re looking for are:

The One Track Soul

The more I do readings the more I realize that the soul prefers to handle one problem at a time. Once that’s taken care of it can move on to something else. For example, I have several clients that have been struggling with their jobs. Some want out and want a better job but they can’t seem to find one. Others are dealing with negative people in the office who make it impossible to enjoy their work. Still others are simply bored and want a more fulfilling career. Since working takes up a great deal of time every day it’s naturally at the forefront of their mind. However, some of these clients also want to find their soulmate, but true love remains elusive. Why?

Since their careers are on their mind so much the brain and soul consider this a top priority and everything else is pushed aside. What you focus on expands. It doesn’t matter if Mr. or Ms. Right was standing in front of them, they wouldn’t notice this person or would somehow find fault. Their souls are in “career mode” and until they do something about it true love will be difficult, if not impossible, to find. This is the frustration of dealing with the one-track soul.

The best way to blast through this problem is to learn how to let things go and not bring them home with you, or to really rev up your career engines and get things moving. How often have you told yourself that you’re trying hard and doing all you can? Think about it though, are you really? Most of the time we spend far more time worrying and thinking than actually doing! Rather than dwelling on how badly you want things to change make a commitment to do something about it each and every day. Taking small steps will add up to big changes over time.

Karmic Lessons

This is the other reason why life gets stuck or we keep finding ourselves in the same situations again and again. In past lives and even our current life we’ve made mistakes, hurt others, and have hurt ourselves as well. A past life reading can uncover your most important karmic lesson at this time, but an easy way to find out what it is you need to heal and mend is to take a look at your life and see where it isn’t working. What’s the major problem right now? Is it the fact that you’re in a bad relationship or keep choosing people who don’t treat you right? Does money slip through your fingers no matter how careful you try to control it? Do you struggle with weight or anxiety or low self-esteem or anger or addictions or anything else that continuously holds you back? Read the rest here...

Friday, August 12, 2011

Three Steps To Happiness

Think about your life for a moment. Are you very happy, moderately happy, kind of happy, or perhaps rarely? The truth is that there are few people who consider themselves very or even moderately happy with their current lives.

First, it’s completely normal to have ups and downs. There’s no way that you can feel deliriously happy day and night. We have stress and problems and brain chemicals and hormones all wreaking havoc on our happiness, but if you find that your bad days outweigh the good then it’s time to step back and take a look at your life.

What are happier people doing that you aren’t? Here's one tip that will get you started on the road to happiness. It might seem too simple, but trust me, if you just start with this one suggestion you can have many more days where you feel positive and way less negative days.

Toss It Out

Yep, it's that plain and simple if you want to start living a happier life. We live in a society where too much is never enough. In reality, humans only need a few things to feel comfortable and happy. You need shelter, food, clothing, loved ones, and maybe a few personal items you enjoy having around. Any more than that and it’s just a burden.

1. Are your cupboards and closets filled with junk you haven’t used in years? If so, start tossing it out. It may be difficult at first but you’ll soon feel a sense of freedom. While you’re at it, get rid of all the junk food and junk people too. You aren’t doing your mind, body, or soul any good by interacting with people who make you angry or miserable, or filling your body with foods that are bad for you. 

2. This tip also goes for your negative thoughts. Like attracts like and if your mind is playing and replaying everything bad that has, is, and may happen to you then you're blocking the way for any positive energy or people to find you. Every time you catch yourself thinking something negative, mentally (or out loud) say "stop!" and replace it with something positive. What I did was to write down a list of twenty positive things in my life--past, present, future--and each time something bad popped into my mind I'd get out my list and replace it with something positive. While thinking or reading your positive statements, smile to yourself and place your right hand over your heart. This will help recondition your mind for happiness.

3. What about the people in your life? Of course, we sometimes have to work with or are related to people that annoy us, frustrate us, or just bring us down. Your best bet is to minimize your time spent around them. And, if it's someone you honestly don't need or want in your life, why not break off the relationship? In order to be truly happy you need to surround yourself with positive, happy people.

Once you get rid of these  things it will leave you with a lot of open space. Let the Universe help you fill those spaces with things that are more positive, happy and healthy for you!

Light and blessings,

Kelly (Psychic Readings By Dr. Kelly)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Difference Between Success And Failure

SuccessImage by aloshbennett via Flickr
The truth is, only 5 out of every 100 people achieves the success they desire. So what’s so special about successful people? How are they different? Why are they succeeding at their dreams and you aren’t? The answer is easy, successful people know exactly what they want and they stop at nothing to achieve it. 

People who fail are really not that different than those who succeed. After all, they too want to fulfill their dreams and accomplish their goals. The problem is, their minds are all over the place. They begin working on a goal with complete determination, only to lose steam once they lose sight of their destination, they suffer a setback, or something new comes along. In other words, they lose focus or never had it in the first place.

If you know what you want and are completely focused on achieving it, if you know why you want it and will do whatever it takes to make it happen, then you can’t possibly fail. You will succeed to one degree or another.

Another aspect that separates success from failure is knowing why you want what you want. You can’t succeed at something if you have no idea why you truly want it for yourself. Many of us go through life failing at success simply because we’re chasing dreams that aren’t ours. Perhaps these dreams belonged to our parents; it’s what they wanted for us but not what we truly want. Or maybe the dreams you’re chasing found their way into your mind due to what you’ve seen in the media or read in a motivational book.

Either way, you’ll never achieve those goals since they aren’t truly yours. You need to be driven in order to accomplish your goals. All of your energy and motivation comes from the desire to succeed at your very own personal dreams.

Taken from my book How To Succeed At Everything...Available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble for only $2.99

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Meet Your Angels and Experience Miracles

My newest book is out and can help you change your life in miraculous ways! How many times have you felt your angels nearby but wanted to interact with them and see what messages they have for you? Probably many times. In my book Meet Your Angels And Experience Miracles - Use Their Messages To Live Your Dreams I give you all the tools you need to contact, meet, and work with your angels so you can stop struggling in life. Want to meet your soulmate, find your ideal career, expand your mind and soul, or simply live in peace and happiness? Well now you can, and it's a lot easier than you think. I take the mystery out of these loving beings and show you how easy it is to work with your very own angels.

This book contains:

Part One - All About Angels
How Angels Make Themselves Known
Contact Your Angels Now
Types Of Angels
Do Angels Really Exist?
The Role Of Your Angels
Signs From Your Angels
Angels Can Change Your Life
Help Your Children Work With Angels
Healing With Your Angels

Part Two - Communicating With Your Angels
Contacting Your Angels
Other Ways To Communicate
Your Journal Of Miracles
Automatic Dictation
Angel Vision Board
Angel Cards
Angel Meditations
Your Angels Will Never Abandon You
My Goal
Bonus Offer

Get your copy today for only $2.99 and start living a life filled with miracles. 

Also available on Barnes and Noble for your Nook reader.
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How To Succeed At Everything - Achieve Your Dreams And Reach Your Goals

The title of this book may state an incredible claim. After all, how could one book teach you how to succeed at absolutely everything in life? What I've done in How To Succeed At Everything is cover the most common life areas people struggle with and want to succeed at. I’ll help you tackle everything from finding love and making money to losing weight and finding your ideal career, and many subjects in between.

If you can learn to be successful at each of the things listed in this book then it will be much easier for you to excel at anything else you feel like pursuing. After all, if you can succeed at being confident and learning any new skill—two topics she covers in this book—then it’s safe to say that you could succeed at just about anything you set your mind to.

Book Contents:

What Is Success?
The Difference Between Success and Failure
Why Aren't You Successful?
How To Succeed At:
Wealth Building
Budgeting Money
Weight Loss
Staying Youthful
Healthy Living
Finding Love
Making Love
Time Management
Staying Motivated
Being Happy
A Magnetic Personality
Reaching Your Full Potential
Learning Things Quickly
Ending Procrastinating
Being Confident
Finding A Career
Making It Big
Failure Can Lead To Success
My Goal
Contact Me

 Get your copy today for only $2.99!
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Saturday, May 28, 2011

3 Steps To Attract True Love

Romeo and JulietImage via Wikipedia

Can you really attract love?

I want to talk a bit about the law of attraction and how you’re living proof that you can attract everything you want…or everything you fear. Whatever you have in your life at this very moment is a direct result of the thoughts in your mind and the energy that you send out each and every day. 

Finding a soulmate and enjoying a happy and passionate relationship isn’t for only a chosen few. It may seem like there are people who have been born with good luck, good genes, or loads of money. People who just know how to attract every good thing they want, even if they do it unconsciously. Now you can learn to do it too!  

Is it easy to attract love?

You may be surprised at how easy it is. If you’ve wished to win the lottery or have enough money to buy the car and home of your dreams yet it never seems to happen, you’ll be happy to know that attracting your soulmate is a whole lot easier.  

Read the rest ...

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Spiritual Path To Success, Power and Healing by Kelly Wallace

This book combines revised and updated versions of Kelly Wallace's "Contacting and Working With Your Spirit Guides" ebook and her "Energy Work - Cleansing and Healing Your Aura" ebook, along with a brand new section "Balancing Your Chakras - Unlock Energy, Creativity and Wisdom". If you want to travel a spiritual path of true power and healing then you need to learn to heal, cleanse, strengthen, and work with the various forms of energy available to you.

It may seem overwhelming when you imagine being able to communicate with your very own spirit guides, create an aura that attracts love and success, and balance your chakras for optimal health and energy. As a professional psychic counselor, Kelly's goal has always been to take these esoteric subjects and make them simple to understand and easy to incorporate into your life.

You don't have to spend hours a day meditating, purchase any special equipment, or live on tofu and alfalfa sprouts to follow a spiritual path of power and healing. All you need is a few minutes each day to practice these quick and enjoyable exercises. Before you know it you'll be living a happier, healthier and more successful life in all areas. 

Just $2.99 through Amazon. Instant download to your computer, iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, or just about any other electronic device!

Get Your Copy Here
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

10 Minutes A Day To A Powerful New Life! - Personal Success Through Intuitive Living

In my book 10 Minutes A Day To A Powerful New Life! I'll show you how to overcome life's most common roadblocks, tap into your intuition, and create a simple yet incredibly effective ten-minute program that will help you achieve your goals.

Sound too good to be true? Of course it does. You've been led to believe that making money, losing weight, finding true love, and having a satisfying career are difficult and time consuming. This "it's got to be hard or it can't possibly work" approach sabotages our most valiant efforts. I wrote this book to prove to you that living the life of your dreams is not out of reach, and can be easier to accomplish than you ever imagined.

Book Contents:

Part One - Getting Ready
Are You A Statistic?
What Can This Book Help With?
The Booster Shot You Need
Getting Unstuck
You're Out Of Sync
What Is Intuition?

Part Two - Opening Up
You Are A Success Magnet
Exercises: Your Image Of Success
What You Focus On Expands
Exercises: Your Future Life
Paralyzed By Fear
Exercises: Making Changes
The Universal Monkey Wrench
Exercises: Embracing Change
Not My Lucky Life
Exercises: Attracting Luck
Make Room For Your Dreams
Exercises: Uncovering Your Dreams
Quick And Easy Intuition
Exercise: Developing Your Intuition
Is This All There Is?
Exercises: Finding Your Life Purpose
My Big Fat Karma
Exercises: Releasing Karma

Part Three - The Roadblocks
Do You Have A Big But?
Exercises: Recognizing Your But
I'm Not Good Enough
Exercises: Raising Self-confidence
Evicting The Saboteur
Exercises: Getting What You Want
Who Am I?
Exercises: Finding Yourself
The Control Freak
Exercises: Letting Go
The Volcano
Exercises: Releasing Anger
What If?
Exercises: From Worry To Wonder
It's Not My Fault
Exercises: Taking Responsibility
Rewiring Your Brain
Exercises: Laying The Past To Rest
Wait. What?
Exercises: Improving Focus And Concentration

Part Four - Figuring Out Your True Goals
Tapping Into Your Higher Self
Living Your Dreams
Exercises: Your Dream Life
Giving Back While Getting Back
Exercises: Volunteering

Part Five - Creating Your 10 Minute Program
Creating Your Power Focus
Creating Your Power Map
Creating Your Power Phrases
Creating Your Power Visions

That's All It Takes

Friday, March 4, 2011

Different Types Of Spirit Guides And Their Roles

Who Are These Guides?
Higher Guides –
What I have experienced through my personal meditations and reading for others is that there are very high guides who have never been on earth and are pure energy. They're the ones most concerned with soul growth and know that everything happens for a reason, so they let us make mistakes and stumble along.
When we connect with them through meditation they offer higher guidance, always associated with soul growth and your life purpose. Their energy is very comforting, much like a loving parent.
Middle Guides –
Then there are the middle guides that have been on earth many times in human form and now choose to help us from the other side. I believe that this is where we’ll end up eventually, if we choose. We’re reincarnated many times, learn a whole lot of lessons, grow wiser and stronger, and are ultimately finished with our Earth lives. When this happens, you may choose to become a spirit guide for younger souls on Earth. These are my favorite types of guides since they know what it’s like to be human but are infinitely wise at the same time.
Lower Guides –
There are also spirits of those who have recently crossed over and act as guides to help us out while they learn a lesson or complete something for themselves in the process before they're reincarnated.
Sometimes these guides need to reveal how they died, a message they have for someone they left behind, or need to learn a lesson through you.
As an example, one of these guides I attracted had always been rather wimpy in life and really regretted it. Well, at times I tend to be a bit wimpy myself so we worked on this together. In the process we both learned to be stronger and he was able to move on. I call these types of guides “lower guides” though there’s nothing low about them; they’re just lower on the spirit guide totem pole than the others.
How Long Do Spirit Guides Stay?
Middle and lower guides come and go, but the higher ones are always the same throughout your life. There aren't many of them and they watch over us, kind of like flocks of sheep. When you're born you're appointed a very high guide that stays with you like a parent. The middle and lower guides usually stick around while you're going through something new in your life and during trying times. Lower guides come and go quickly. In fact, some just pass through for a moment.

Learn how to contact and work with your spirit guides, cleanse and heal your aura, and more in my best selling book Spirit Guides And Healing Energy. Available in ebook and paperback. 

Light and blessings,

Monday, January 31, 2011

You Are Psychic - Sensing Energy Fields and Auras

Yes, you ARE psychic!  Right now I want to show you how good you are at sensing energy fields.

Think about some people you've met in the past or currently know; the ones who have that attractive quality you just can't put your finger on.  They draw others to them like ants to sugar.  You feel happy when around them, energized, light.

Then there are people who just give you the creeps to be around.  Again, you can't put a name on why you feel that way, but usually we say they give off "bad vibes." And that's just it! The person is giving off bad vibes. Later you may find out you were right all along.  The person did something that was mean, sneaky, or even criminal.  You are sensing their aura field!

You can use this method when seeking out a soulmate. Whenever you're on a date or meet someone for the first time, try to get a sense of what their energy feels like.  Maybe you just get good or bad feelings, perhaps you see an odd symbol or two floating around in your mind, you could hear or see words, etc. Pay attention to these gut instincts. This way you can avoid negative relationships and pursue healthier ones.

Have you ever felt good or bad energy coming off a person?  Did you later find out you were right? Everyone has their own unique psychic ability. Spend sometime getting in tune with yours! In my book Psychic Living Developing Your Intuition I cover many ways in which you can tap into and strengthen your natural psychic gifts.

Light and blessings,

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Contacting And Working With Your Spirit Guides

 Overcome Obstacles And Manifest Your Every Desire

We all have spirit guides in our lives who are ready, willing and able to help us … if we can only learn to connect with them and ask for help. This is where Contacting And Working With Your Spirit Guides - Overcome Obstacles And Manifest Your Every Desire! comes in. Whether you're seeking a soul mate, craving a new career, or frustrated with your finances, I take something that seems out of reach for so many and make it fun, easy and doable.

Once you finish reading this book and putting the short exercises into action you'll be communicating with your spirit guides on a daily basis. These wise and powerful beings can guide you in the right direction, helping you avoid pitfalls and bringing new opportunities your way. Pursuing your dreams and goals has never been this easy!

Have you met any of your guides or caught glimpses of them? Have you experienced any coincidences that later led to something positive? I'd love to hear your comments!

Light and blessings,


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Three Steps To Make The Law Of Attraction Work For You

There's really no secret to the law of attraction. In fact, there are three simple steps that will make it work for you. Whether you realize it or not, the law of attraction is always working in your life. Most people don't believe this is true since they believe that the law of attraction only brings good things.

If there aren't many positive things going on in their life then they think "the Law" isn't working for them, but the truth is that positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. If you're life isn't filled with success, happiness, love, health and abundance you aren't using the law of attraction to benefit yourself, you're subconsciously focusing on negative and attracting that instead. But here's how to change it.

Make Your Intentions Clear

You have to know what you want before you can ask for it and start making the Law work for you. Knowing what you want isn't easy though. Sure, you instinctively know when you're hungry, hot, cold, thirsty, happy, afraid, and so on. The problem is, your conscious and subconscious is filled with so many thing from your past, present, and even future hopes and worries that it's difficult to focus on what you actually want at this point in time.

Think about what your truly want for your life and in your life. Make a list of at least 3-10 clear goals. Why do you want these things in your life? How will it help you or make you happier? Without clear intentions there's no way you can attract what you truly want and need.

Your conscious and unconscious thoughts produce everything you have in your life. If every part of your mind and soul aren't in sync with what you truly want to attract then you'll continue to live the life you've been living or live in chaos. When your conscious and subconscious are contrary to one another you'll defeat yourself every step of the way.

Visualize That It's Already Yours

Set aside a few minutes each morning and each evening to visualize what you want. Close your eyes and imagine in every detail what your life will be like if you had this (person/job/money/home/weight loss/etc.) in your life. Visualize yourself already having it in your life since this is very important in making the law of attraction work for you. Focusing on having what you want creates positive energy. It sends out vibrations into the world and universe that come back to you, bringing you what you desire most.

Be Ready To Receive

This is the one area where most people fail. They change their thoughts to focus on positive things, they do their visualization, but they simply can't open themselves up to receiving the abundance they crave. Whether they feel they don't deserve good things or have simply gotten into the habit of living life as-is, they usually hit a a wall at this point in their path.

You have every right to be as happy and successful as the next person. Nobody is born under a lucky star, we are all capable of greatness. Know that you can and will have all you desire then be open to receiving it.

What things do you hope to attract within the next 12 months and which things do you want to let go of? I'd love to hear from you!

Light and blessings,

Friday, January 21, 2011

Achieving Happiness Through Meditation

They say if you want to be happy you simply have to act happy. But is this enough? I don't think so. You might be buried under debt, health problems, relationship issues, or have simply gotten into the habit of thinking negatively. It's really easy to see the glass as half empty.  How can you be happy when you've got so many obstacles in your life? Interestingly enough, studies have shown that if you think positive rather than negative then life is much happier and you're more able to find solutions to problems.

It all comes back to you

What we give out we receive, so if you're giving out happy vibes then those will come back to you. You'll find that more opportunities come your way and that life isn't nearly as gray as you once thought it was. Makes sense, right? A good life filled with good people, good health, and enough money is what makes people happy. So how can you get into this positive mindset?  Through meditation.

How to meditate

There are many ways to meditate and no one way is better than the next. All I do when life is getting the best of me or when I need some guidance is to take a time out. I go into my room, light a few candles and incense, put on a nature CD then sit on my bed and close my eyes. For a few minutes I just focus on my breathing and consciously relax every part of my body.

When I feel good and relaxed I ask my spirit guides to help me with a current problem, or the strength to not wring someone's neck if they've really upset me. Yes, meditation is great for overcoming anger! Sometimes I receive pictures in my mind or words, other times it's just a "knowing" as to how to solve a problem, and at times I don't get anything but do feel confident that I'll get the information I need when the Universe is ready.

How meditation makes you happy

Being happy really is a frame of mind, but you need to get into that mindset and then recall how you got to that point until it becomes habit. This is why meditation is so helpful. When you're feeling negative it causes stress in your mind, body, and soul. When you're stressed you feel negative.  It's a vicious circle and meditation can break it. As you meditate you relax and this opens up doorways to possibilities that you can't find when you're tightly closed off by negativity.

Does this mean that you're going to feel happy 24/7 if you meditate? Not a chance! We're human, at least while on Earth, and life is tough. Not to mention you've got all of these chemicals and hormones running around inside you and things happening externally that can affect your mood. But, I can guarantee that if you meditate just for a few minutes each day you will be happier in all areas of your life. Every one of my clients that meditates emails me to say how amazing they feel when they do it and how they feel lost, lazy, depressed and negative when they stop.

It won't happen over night

Your life didn't get to where it is over night and it won't change that quickly either. Think of it like digging a ditch. You've been digging for awhile and you're used to being in this ditch, but meditation will help you to fill the negative ditch up and get you back on a happier path in life.

It's a matter of choices

Every day you're faced with dozens of choices and those choices you make get you to where you'll be tomorrow and years from now. So, every decision you made in the past got you to where you are at this point in time. Yes, you can say that outside influences caused your problems, but in reality it was the choices you made. That's really hard for most people to accept, but once you do it's very freeing! If you made bad choices yesterday then guess what? You can make good choices today and tomorrow.

By taking the time to meditate and think about who you are, what you have, and what you truly want and need, you'll be loosening yourself up and opening doorways of possibility. Start meditating about some basic changes you want to make in your life. If you refuse to make changes then you'll just keep living the life you have at the moment. However, just a few minutes of meditation each day can help you discover true happiness.

If you need some help finding your way out of a current situation, if you want to know what good changes await you, or if you have a problem or goal you need guidance on, a psychic reading can really help.

Do you think that happiness is simply a mindset or is it more than that? If you've ever meditated, did you have a good experience? Was it easy? Do you do it regularly? If not, why? I'd love to hear from you!

Light and blessings,