The number one way to strengthen a psychic gift is to practice using it more often, every day if you can. Use it or lose it. You don’t need special equipment or stones or potions or what have you. All you need is yourself. Now, depending on which psychic ability you’re working on will determine how you should strengthen it.
If you want to clearer dream messages from your guides, deceased loved ones, your higher self, or even your soul mate, while you lay in bed at night and before falling asleep ask your guides (or whomever) to come into your dream. Ask a question and for them to make their messages clear, and tell yourself that you’ll remember the dream when you wake up. As soon as you awake from the dream write it down. Keep a notebook and pen by your bed just for this purpose. Over time you should find that your dreams become more focused and helpful.
If you want to sharpen your gift of psychometry (being able to read objects), an excellent way to do this is to visit antique stores. Take your notebook and pen with you and if an object seems to catch your attention, hold it and see what information you get. Sometimes there’s no way to check if what you’re feel or see is true, but it’s still a very good way to hone this ability. You can also get a few envelopes and have a friend or family member put a photo in each envelope and seal it. You can then choose one envelope and write down in your notebook, or say aloud, what you sense is inside. You don’t have to be right on the money, but you could sense a color, object, or time period. Do this with each envelope then open them and see how close you were.
These are just two ways to enhance your abilities. I cover more in my short yet very helpful book Psychic Living - Developing Your Intuition.
Should I focus on my strongest psychic ability or all of them?
Every good psychic is well-rounded. Even if you don’t plan to offer your psychic readings professionally and only want to do it for yourself, it’s good to focus on all psychic abilities. Over time you may find that some come and go, one is strongest and one or a couple others are there but not as strong, or you could uncover other abilities you never knew you possessed.
In my own experience I started out doing automatic writing and getting in contact with my higher self and spirit guides. I then tried tarot, psychometry, lucid dreaming, dowsing, and many more. There’s not much I haven’t tried and it was very eye-opening and exciting. Through my journeys I discovered that I’m very good at reading past lives, connecting with spirit guides, psychic empathy, and clairvoyance, along with a few others. I also found out that I’m not very good at finding lost objects or dowsing. When I think over everything I’ve explored it really excites me because it opened new doorways that forever would have been closed had I not taken the initiative to give it a try. I also met a lot of interesting and wonderful people along the way.
Focus on your strongest trait and always work on this, but try new things all the time. You may be surprised at what you find!
Light and blessings,
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