Thursday, August 14, 2014

Creating And Using Your Personal Altar

I've received many emails from clients asking how they should go about creating a personal altar. Having an altar will give you a sense of stability and power. It’s a place for you to focus, visualize, and meditate.

Creating Your Personal Altar

1. Your altar could be the top of your dresser, a shelf in the corner, or a table. My personal altar is on the top of my dresser, and I also have a small side table in one corner of the living room for client blessings.

2. Find a piece of cloth to cover your altar, choosing something that resonates with you. There are many websites that offer the meanings of certain colors and many times people will choose a color based on the type of energy they're trying to attract or goal they wish to complete. I haven’t found this necessary. I truly believe that your higher self and guides know just exactly what you need, and it will make your altar 100% unique and personal to you.

When I was at a fabric store I found a one-yard length of dark blue material with glitter stars on it. This piece of cloth made me smile and felt right to me so I bought it and still use it today.

3. A candle in any colory or type you feel drawn to is a good addition to your altar. I sometimes use tapered candles, though usually use tea light candles since I can find so many beautiful holders for them. Also, I do a lot of blessings for clients so I buy A LOT of candles! Tea lights are cheaper and come in everything from non-scented white to just about any scent and color you could imagine. If you aren't sure what color candle to use, white is always the go-to color. It can help cleanse out negative and attract positive, but go with what feels right to you.

4. Other items you may want to keep on hand are incense, small statues you feel drawn to (Jesus, Buddha, animal totem, etc.), an assortment of stones or crystals, whatever you’d like.

I have a lot of fun going to stores and finding new things for my altar. There are those I retire to a drawer then bring them out when I feel the need.

You can also include the four elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. A candle can represent Fire, some water in a bowl represents Water, a stone can represent Earth, a feather can represent Air.

Having a clear crystal on your altar is also helpful. You can focus on this during your meditations then carry it with you to remind yourself of your desires and draw upon the power of your intentions.

Your altar can be as plain or fancy as you wish. If it suits you and your personality, it will work. Don’t pressure yourself worrying about what is or isn’t on your altar. As time passes you’ll find exactly what works for you.

Using Your Altar

This is the easiest part. Go to your altar once in the morning soon after you get up then again before going to bed, light the candle, and give thanks for the abundance and positive things in your life. Think of your current wishes/goals, visualize them, imagine them in as much detail as possible as if you're already experiencing them in your life. For example, if you're trying to find true love, how will you feel and how will your life change once you find it? Ask your guides/angels to bring you the necessary tools and opportunities to make your dreams become reality. Ask that you remain awake and open to their signs and guidance. Now leave it in the hands of your guides and higher self and go about your day or go to bed.

This short ritual keeps your optimism strong and helps to shift your mind and energy toward your goals.  :)

If you'd like to book a reading, please visit my website: Psychic Readings By Dr. Kelly

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