Thursday, August 21, 2014

Aura Cleansing and Changing Colors

A very quick and easy way to work on changing your aura is to sit or lay down when you feel most relaxed. I always recommend in the morning when you first get up and at night when you’re ready to go to bed. These are the best times to meditate because it gets into your subconscious much easier. Imagine yourself with a glass egg around you. Inside this egg is a swirling aura of black and white. The black represents self-protection and any negativity present in your life. White is the color of cleansing and total renewal.

Now visualize a bright rainbow light being sent down from your guide into the top of the egg, penetrating it, shattering it. The black and white aura colors start drifting away from you like smoke clouds, the rainbow light filling up every area of your body inside and out until you are completely immersed in it. You may begin to feel warm all over, tingle, or notice something different about your mind and body that shows this is working. 

At this point imagine the rainbow light exiting through your feet, taking any and all negativity with it down into the center of the earth where it's burned up. At this point you are empty and cleansed.

Allow any color to begin blossoming in the center of your chest. The color that comes to you is the color you need at this point in your life. This colored light fills you completely from head to toes, attracting a life mate and/or the type of life you desire. Envision being out in public and this new and beautiful aura all around you, reaching out to people, and attracting a wonderful mate, a wonderful life. If you are seeing your soul mate, feel his/her energy as well. This will help greatly so that when you do meet the person you will recognize their energy. Don't try to put a face to them unless it comes easy. Just immerse yourself in the energy here.
Once you are at this point you can end the meditation. It should only take a couple of minutes or as long as you would like. Go through your day and see if things are different. You should notice that decision-making is easier, you can think more clearly, you have more energy, and opportunities to make healthy, prosperous life changes come more often.

You can always do this meditation whenever you feel you need a recharging. I suggest doing this at least once a day to keep your new aura energy strong.

Want to learn more about your aura? You can learn so much through my book Energy Work - Heal, Cleanse, and Strengthen your Aura. If you prefer a reading, I'll tell you what color(s) your aura is right now, what symbols your aura is projecting, if there are any dark or cold areas, holes or weaknesses, and more. Along with your aura reading, I'll also offer you quick and easy ways to heal your aura, clear out anything negative that’s hanging around, strengthen it and choose the color you want to give off. Talk about something that’s empowering! It’s wonderful to know that you really can control your energy and use it to your benefit rather than being at the mercy of it. Book your personal and in-depth aura or a psychic reading now!

Light and blessings,


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