Monday, August 18, 2014

Finding Your Spiritual Energy - Become Your Higher Self

I'm excited to share this excerpt from my new book Become Your Higher Self--Using Spiritual Energy To Transform Your Mind, Body, Soul & Life!
Finding Your Spiritual Energy
Spiritual energy isn’t the same for everyone. There isn’t a spiritual blueprint everyone should follow, leading them to a life of bliss. Instead, you need to discover what matters most to you. Only then will you become the powerful being you were meant to be.

You can read through the following questions and answer them in your mind or, better yet, write in a journal or open a blank document on your computer and type your thoughts out.

1. What fills you with spiritual energy?
Remember, we aren’t talking about religion. Your spirituality relates to your connections with people, the planet, and all living things. It’s something you enjoy and feel really good about. In turn, this energy goes deep inside you, lighting those internal spiritual fires.

For example, I love being in nature. I live in Baltimore and feel steeped in my own spirituality simply by spending time among the streams and lakes, trees and flowers. Often I’m filled with such an incredible force I feel like I literally glow from the center of my being. In turn, this force colors my actions and reactions, reaching out and affecting everyone around me.
There are many activities that can fill us with spiritual energy such as volunteering, playing music, dancing, spending time with loved ones, meditating, and so on. Dozens of things fill me with spiritual energy, nature is just one of them.
2. Who makes you feel most energized?
Who do you like being around? What is it about her/him that makes you feel this way? Does this person make you feel happy, connected, enlightened, more aware, or optimistic? What traits of this person would you like to incorporate into your own life?

When I was younger I surrounded myself with many people. Some lifted me up while others put me down. Some made me feel light and energized, while others had me feeling drained and depressed. After my spiritual awakening I realized what a waste it was having people in my life who dragged me down. Now I choose to only interact with others who are spiritually energetic.
One person I love having in my life is Cassie. She doesn’t even know she’s a spiritual person and it doesn’t really matter. Our energies complement each other well and we spend time together at least once a week. She faces each problem she encounters with confidence and conviction, and she’s one of the most laid back people I know. Not much ruffles this lady’s feathers, and she’s always trying to better herself. Once she reaches one rung on life’s ladder, she moves on to the next.
A spiritually energizing person is one who leaves you feeling positive after having been in their company.
3. Who or what makes you feel spiritually drained?
This is different than feeling physically drained. After a long day of work or of tending to kids, laundry, shopping, and housework you may feel physically, mentally, and/or emotionally drained and this can indeed affect you spiritually. What we’re talking about here though is what hits you in the spiritual zone. Who or what leaves you feeling like you’ve got a gaping hole in your soul? Could it be a lack of purpose in life, a negative relationship, or a dead-end job? Maybe someone in your life drains you?

A few things that have spiritually drained me are:
- Living in the desert. I truly needed to be in lush surroundings to feel spiritually energized so I moved back to Baltimore.
- Not following my life purpose. I tried my hand at public speaking and being a ghost writer. These two things drained me on many levels. Once I started writing my own books and helping others this way my spiritual self grew by leaps and bounds.
- Choosing the wrong men. Since I was used to seeing the men in my life abuse women, I naturally gravitated toward these dysfunctional relationships until I was spiritually awake. Only then did I start to attract positive men and ultimately found my soul mate.

The interesting thing about your spiritual self is it will know when something is right or wrong before you know it on an emotional, mental or physical level. You get a niggling sensation inside that says this person or situation is bad for you, yet we ignore it until we’re affected on other levels.
4. What are your top five energy boosters?
What healthy things do you do, or can you do, to make yourself feel more energized? Do you go for a walk, exercise, meditate, read a book, write in a journal, or play a game or sport? This is something personal to you and doesn’t necessarily mean you’re helping another person. Sure, we associate deep spirituality with reaching out to the world around us, but you need to nurture yourself as well.

When I need an energy boost I either crochet, watch a movie with a loved one, take a walk, or listen to music. These small things that bring me pleasure really help to lift me up spiritually. As I mentioned before, everything is connected within you. Something that affects you on one level--be it mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually--is going to seep in and affect all other areas.
5. What or who requires too much spiritual energy at this time?
Even if something seems like a good cause or worthwhile activity, at this point in your life it may require far too much spiritual energy. Pursuing this activity or relationship may cause you to feel drained, disconnected, or frustrated.

Your spiritual path should be one that fills you with joy and peace. If there’s something in your life that isn’t contributing to your highest good, ask yourself if you really want to hold on to it. Sometimes, releasing someone or something is the quickest way to recapture spiritual energy and focus.
A few years ago I wanted to start volunteering since I knew it would add to my overall happiness and spiritual pursuits. Animals and domestic abuse are two of my top concerns. I went to several animal shelters to see how I could offer my volunteer services, though I quickly discovered it would require far more time and effort than I could comfortably provide. I didn’t want to feel drained or stressed out when I was trying to do the world a bit of good! Finally I found a few volunteer places that met my personal schedule. I crochet “comfort scarves” for abused women and help out with online science projects.
Pursuing a spiritual path should never leave you feeling tired or frustrated. Seek out those people and things that make you feel fulfilled.
If you found this exercise and information interesting and helpful, I hope you purchase my book. The ebook is only $2.99 Get your copy here: Become Your Higher Self
Contact me! If you do this exercise, I'd love to hear how it went, what you discovered, and your thoughts on it all. My goal in life isn't to tell you what to do and how to do it. Instead, I want to be there with you while you uncover your true being and become the person you've always dreamed of living the life you deserve and desire!

Light and blessings,


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