Tuesday, August 19, 2014

How To Create Good Luck

You may know people who seem to have been born lucky, but if you look closely you’ll see that most of them follow a few simple guidelines that actually CREATE good luck. Now you can have this “secret recipe” and create a fountain of good luck in your own life. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t give up. These methods do work at helping to create luck!   

Keep Your Goals Flexible

When we have preconceived notions of how we THINK things should work out, we end up closing many doors to other possibilities. Say for example that you want this one particular job or person. Your mind is set on this one goal and that’s that. Nothing or nobody else will do. You have your vision board, your affirmations, your prayers, your self-hypnosis sessions, or whatever else you put into practice for goal-attainment. With your laser beam focus you concentrate on that one lone prize. You wait, and wait, and wait yet it never comes. Meanwhile, unknown to you, whole parades of other opportunities have passed you by! The Universe listens and sends us what we need to be happy and successful, yet too many times we’re closed off to this because we’re too focused on what we think we want.

Get Out Of Your Way

Yes, you may be getting in your own way. This happens when we try too hard or focus on the negative in our lives and not the positive. Like a silent mantra we repeat over and over again all of the bad things in our lives, all of the things we don’t want, and are completely oblivious to all of the good things. Everyone has some positive things going on. Instead, we unconsciously set up negative barriers all around us that are so wide and tall that opportunity couldn’t possibly find its way to us. We need to focus on the positive so the Universe will send more of it. We need to move forward with confidence rather than yearning for complete control. We need to believe that things will happen as they should for our own highest good. Count your blessings and they'll multiply!

Let Go Of Fear

This is a biggie! As humans we’re creatures of habit, even bad habit. We fear change because we don’t know what will happen. Even if our life isn’t where we’d like it to be, at least we know where it is. When we open ourselves up to change that’s pretty scary. Sure, we know what we’d like to happen, we try to focus on being positive, but still we hang on to the edge of that cliff for fear that we’ll fall rather than fly. Practice taking small risks and making tiny changes so that you grow comfortable with it. Once you stretch yourself beyond your current comfort zone, you’ll never go back. Soon you’ll look on your old life and wonder why you were so afraid to leave it behind.

Practice Patience

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, become financially stable, build a business, or repair your marriage, expecting huge changes right away is the quickest route to disappointment. We get frustrated and give up too quickly when the scale doesn’t move or our bank account stays in the negative. Things didn’t get as they are overnight. The way your life is right now is a sum total of every decision you’ve ever made. It’s the result of action and inaction.  Anything worth achieving takes time.

By following these guidelines and moving forward with courage, confidence, and perseverance, you can create good luck in your life every day. Each moment is filled with choices; commit to making the best ones possible!

Light and blessings,


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