A few weeks ago I got an email from someone who had finished reading one of my books. I want to share it with you.
Hey Kelly, I am another fan of yours. I just read your spirit guide book and it is quite fascinating. Just out of curiosity what proof do you have that these are absolute facts? If these coincidences are not coincidences but something from the spirits, how is it that the holocaust and all the other travesties happened to good people? I'm not trying to be a heckler and make no mistake I do like your work but asking questions never hurts.
Thank you for your kind email. I'm so glad you've enjoyed my books! I also appreciate and welcome your questions. I, too, believe that we should all keep asking questions and keep an open mind.
By no means do I feel I know it all. I'm no messiah or the voice of God. Instead, I'm someone who's merely a few more steps ahead on the spiritual path than others might be. Everything I relay is from personal experience and information given to me by my clients after 20+ years. In the beginning, I was the most skeptical person you'd ever meet! But, after so many things happened in my own life, and witnessing it in others, I had no choice but to believe that higher beings and a higher self exists.
I guess what it all comes down to is faith. In some ways I don't like this word because it says we must simply believe rather than having proof. Though, I feel I've experienced enough personal proof to put faith in my faith. I consider myself a scientific/spiritual person.
That's an excellent question about the Holocaust and other travesties. We can look at it a few ways, though which one is correct, if any?
1. Population control (as awful as that sounds!)
2. Sacrifice for the sake of learning. (These people who lost their lives needed to leave the Earth realm at that point in time. Their passing may have been a way to teach friends, loved ones, and/or the world some valuable lessons. Also, there may have been karmic issues involved with the victims.)
3. Ignoring the signs. In some instances there were warning signs that victims chose to ignore. As with the Holocaust, many Jews (and others) saw the danger and fled, while others chose to believe the government and stayed, or felt there was no other way. Pretty soon they didn't have a choice. In my own life there have been signs I've ignored and later paid the price for, and times that I've followed the signs and reaped the benefits.
Those are the top three "reasons" that come to my mind right now. As humans we put a lot of importance on the human body and suffering. And why wouldn't we? We all want to be happy and healthy! However, sometimes it's through suffering that we grow and learn the most. Think of times in your life when you went through something sad, depressing, stressful, even devastating. Those times push you out of your comfort zone. They force you to examine your life and your choices, and very often new paths open up to you. If life is always sunshine and rainbows we won't grow. We become complacent.
I'm not saying I agree or support war, murder, genocide, and the like, I'm simply trying to look at it from the point of view of the soul rather than that of the human psyche. I'm still learning and growing too!
Thank you for the wonderful email.
Bright blessing to you!
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