Wednesday, September 13, 2017

How To Have An OBE And Visit The Astral Plane

When you Astral Travel you (safely) leave your body, having an out-of-body-experience (OBE) and can go to the Astral Plane and meet up with your spirit guides, angels, and deceased relatives who can give you helpful information on many areas of your life, including your purpose.

Something fun about the Astral Plane is that it doesn’t operate as things do here on Earth. All you need to do is think of a place and you’re there. Any image you think of will materialize. That’s why this is such a good place to interact with loved ones who have passed, or even historical figures and celebrities who have crossed over. Why not have fun, right?

The first time you astral travel it will probably change you in many ways. Actually knowing that you’re outside of your physical body is pretty wild and can open your mind in ways you never thought possible. It’s like thinking life is only a straight line then finding out it’s truly a three-dimensional sphere.

For those who have already visited the Astral Plane it’s comforted them about the reality of physical death. Seeing the spirit world and how things operate there gives you a sense of peace and is very awe-inspiring. It’s good to know that you don’t just die, are put into the ground or cremated, and that’s that. Think of physical death like removing a sweater. Your Earth body is the sweater. Just because you remove that article of clothing doesn’t mean you stop existing.

Exercise to help you experience an OBE and visit the Astral Plane:

The following steps are not only easy, but when you’re finished you should feel relaxed and with a more positive outlook.

1. Go to a quiet room and lie down or sit. Be sure you’re comfortable and that it isn’t too noisy or bright in the room. You can play soothing music if this helps you relax. I typically put on nature sounds such as morning birds and gentle rain, or waves on the beach. 

2. Close your eyes and focus on each area of your body and consciously relax it. Start from your toes and work your way up to the top of your head, all the while allowing your breathing to remain soft and even. Take as much time as you need to relax. 

3. During this exercise you'll want to be protected from any negative experiences, so ask your spirit guide or angel to watch over you and guide you on the Astral Plane. Imagine a protective white light surrounding you and know that nothing negative can enter this bubble. 

4. Once you feel relaxed focus on who you want to see or what you want to achieve while on your journey. For example, one time I wanted to talk with my grandmother to see how she was doing and to find out what life was like on the other side. Another time, I wanted to meet with one of my higher spirit guides to get some solutions to a major problem I was going through at the time. 

5. Now, with your eyes still closed, visualize an open door some distance away in front of you. This door represents the Alpine door of the third eye. In your mind, imagine yourself running toward the doorway and right through it. If you succeed in getting through the doorway you should notice that you’re surrounded by golden or white light. You will have successfully left your physical body!

6. Once you’re on the Astral Plane, let yourself go wherever your spirit guide takes you or wherever you choose to. It will probably take some time to get used to your surroundings, so just accept what happens. Remember, your spirit guide/angel will protect from any negative experiences. You are perfectly safe and will automatically return to your physical body when you’re ready. There’s no way you can get lost or be stuck on the Astral Plane since your living body and soul are connected by an invisible cord. You will always, always instantly be able to get back.

7. Take your time here. Look around. See what you can see. Experience the awe of being in this place where your soul feels so at home. The first time you go here you might feel so excited or even scared and it makes you come right back. Try not to feel too frustrated because over time you’ll get used to being “home” and will stay at long as you’d like.

8. You’ll know it’s time to come back to the here and now on Earth when things start feeling out of focus, you feel a pulling sensation, or your guide might let you know it’s time to leave. Coming back is quicker and easier than getting there. You just need to say goodbye to your guide, take a deep breath and let it out, open your eyes and stretch a bit. Don’t stand up right away since you might be a bit lightheaded after your trip.

9. When you return, write down in a journal or notebook what you experienced. Even if you only got a fleeting glimpse, only got feelings or heard something brief, write about it. This is so helpful in letting your subconscious know that it’s completely okay and normal to visit the Astral Plane.

Practice this daily or at least a few times a week. Over time you’ll see how many things you discover and how much you change mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Note: Some clients have wanted to know if they're really going to the Astral Plane or if it's just their imagination making it up. I always say that intuition and imagine are closely related and if you tap into one you're tapping into the other. Even if you don't quite believe you've truly had an OBE and visited the Astral Plane, if you keep practicing you'll instinctively find your way there. It's in your soul, it's a natural part of you, it's where you came from and where you'll go again, you've just forgotten the way back and need to find it again.

Light and blessings,


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Goal-Setting Mistakes - How To Accomplish Your Dreams

Have you had a longstanding goal that you've tried and tried to accomplish yet it never gets done? You might have struggled with it for years, seen some positive glimpses of fruition here and there, but somehow it's always out of reach. There are some very good reasons for it that just might surprise you!

1. Have Clear Goals That Excite You

The truth is, only 5 out of every 100 people achieve the success they desire. So what’s so special about successful people? How are they different? Why are they succeeding at their dreams and you aren’t? The answer is easy, successful people know exactly what they want and they stop at nothing to achieve it. They don’t let that fearful little voice inside sabotage them, nor do they let the negativity in their past control them. Despite poverty, abuse, health problems, or other obstacles, they excelled.

2. Stay Focused No Matter What

People who fail are really not that different than those who succeed. (Trust me, I've failed many, many times!) After all, they too want to fulfill their dreams and accomplish their goals. The problem is, their minds are all over the place and their past holds them back. They begin working on a goal with complete determination, only to lose steam once they lose sight of their destination, they suffer a setback, or those old patterns rise to the surface.

3. Know What You Want And Why

You can’t succeed at something if you have no idea why you want to achieve it for yourself. Many of us go through life failing at success simply because we’re chasing dreams that aren’t ours. Perhaps these dreams belonged to our parents; it’s what they wanted for us but not what we truly want. Or maybe the dreams you’re chasing found their way into your mind due to what you’ve seen in the media or read in a motivational book. If we followed the media route, we'd forever be chasing the "rich, famous, and beautiful" route. Talk about stress!

4. Release Outgrown Dreams

Or, you may have had this dream when you were much younger and thought all along that this is what you truly want, but as time went on you couldn't admit to yourself that the goal was no longer important. Somehow, we see it as failure if we give up on a dream path that used to be important to us yet we never accomplished it. Why be so hard on yourself? You're meant to change and grow throughout life! I wanted to be a nurse when I was younger and for many years it bothered me that I never accomplished that dream. As I got older I realized that it was a "younger me dream" but I had since outgrown it and wanted to take a different type of healing path.

5. Make New Goals That Align With The Current You

You need to be driven in order to accomplish your goals. All of your energy and motivation comes from the desire to succeed at your very own personal dreams. If you have one or more things on your "to do list" that have been sitting there for months, years, even decades, ask yourself if this is something you really want or if the desire came from some outside influence or yesterday's you. Once you're honest with yourself you should feel a sense of a relief, more clarity, and eagerness to move forward with what truly matters to you. 

If you know what you want and are completely focused on achieving it, if you know why you want it and will do whatever it takes to make it happen, then you can’t possibly fail. You will succeed to one degree or another.

What have you been chasing for years yet never accomplished? Who taught you that this was the right path for you? If you could release all of those unfinished tasks and start on something new and you, what would it be? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comment section! :D

Light and blessings,

Saturday, September 6, 2014

FREE! Psychic Living Developing Your Intuition Ebook

FREE! Psychic Living - Developing Your Intuition ebook: Explore past lives, develop your intuition, learn about astral projection, out of body experiences, setting up an altar, crystals and stones, meditation and visualization, journaling, automatic writing, and more! Get your free copy today!

Simply email me and let me know you'd like your free copy. :)

Monday, September 1, 2014

When Nothing Is Going Right

This is an excerpt from my best selling book Working With Your Angels.

There may be times when you feel like your life is utterly in the garbage. Your health, love life, finances, job, family, everything, all of it is beyond hope. There’s just too much junk going on in so many areas, how could you possibly ever heal and be happy? Even if you did ask your angels for help, where would they begin?!

Believe it or not, the more messed up you think your life is, the times when you feel nothing is going right, that’s when your angels want to help the most! They love rolling up their sleeves and showing you just how much they love you and what they can do for you. When you’re at a place where you just don’t care anymore you let go, and that’s when the magic starts to happen--if you allow it and pay attention to their guidance.

But when life feels so negative, how will you know your angels are around and helping? Here are some signs to look out for:

1. You’ve been holding something in for some time and you finally explode and tell this person what you’ve been thinking and feeling. You’re so angry! Guess what? Your angels gave you the courage to finally claim your dignity and self-esteem by expressing yourself. Of course, that doesn’t mean they want you to go around yelling at everyone, but finally speaking your mind and getting something off your chest is part of the healing process.

2. You begin experiencing coincidences, synchronicity, and seeing angelic signs more and more. You might see more rainbow symbols, doves, or peace signs. You could begin seeing angel statues or images, and words like love, peace, joy, and hope more often. You may also hear more people and children laughing when you’re out and about. Your angels are helping to bring these positive things back into your life.

3. You hear from a friend or relative you haven’t talked to in awhile and they said they were thinking about you and wanted to reconnect. People may seem friendlier and more helpful. You could get more compliments and smiles from strangers.

4. You may receive or find small surprises such as finding money on the ground outside, or getting a gift from someone. It could be something minor like a co-worker buying you lunch or a friend giving you a book you’ve wanted to read. Your partner could, out of the blue, take you out to dinner or prepare dinner for you. Any number of small surprises could take place, sent by your angels, helping to restore your faith and happiness.

Your angels know what it’s like to be human and how hard life can be. The material world is filled with stress, pressure, responsibilities, obligations, money issues, health crises, family and relationship problems, and so much more. But nothing lasts forever. No matter how negative things may seem right now, it will pass. Give it all to your angels. Every bit of the garbage and insecurity and anger and resentment and worry and whatever else. Hand it over to them. Ask for help. Vow to be open to their assistance and their signs. Take action when it comes.

Want to know who your angels are and the messages they have for you? Get an Angel Reading

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Aura Cleansing and Changing Colors

A very quick and easy way to work on changing your aura is to sit or lay down when you feel most relaxed. I always recommend in the morning when you first get up and at night when you’re ready to go to bed. These are the best times to meditate because it gets into your subconscious much easier. Imagine yourself with a glass egg around you. Inside this egg is a swirling aura of black and white. The black represents self-protection and any negativity present in your life. White is the color of cleansing and total renewal.

Now visualize a bright rainbow light being sent down from your guide into the top of the egg, penetrating it, shattering it. The black and white aura colors start drifting away from you like smoke clouds, the rainbow light filling up every area of your body inside and out until you are completely immersed in it. You may begin to feel warm all over, tingle, or notice something different about your mind and body that shows this is working. 

At this point imagine the rainbow light exiting through your feet, taking any and all negativity with it down into the center of the earth where it's burned up. At this point you are empty and cleansed.

Allow any color to begin blossoming in the center of your chest. The color that comes to you is the color you need at this point in your life. This colored light fills you completely from head to toes, attracting a life mate and/or the type of life you desire. Envision being out in public and this new and beautiful aura all around you, reaching out to people, and attracting a wonderful mate, a wonderful life. If you are seeing your soul mate, feel his/her energy as well. This will help greatly so that when you do meet the person you will recognize their energy. Don't try to put a face to them unless it comes easy. Just immerse yourself in the energy here.
Once you are at this point you can end the meditation. It should only take a couple of minutes or as long as you would like. Go through your day and see if things are different. You should notice that decision-making is easier, you can think more clearly, you have more energy, and opportunities to make healthy, prosperous life changes come more often.

You can always do this meditation whenever you feel you need a recharging. I suggest doing this at least once a day to keep your new aura energy strong.

Want to learn more about your aura? You can learn so much through my book Energy Work - Heal, Cleanse, and Strengthen your Aura. If you prefer a reading, I'll tell you what color(s) your aura is right now, what symbols your aura is projecting, if there are any dark or cold areas, holes or weaknesses, and more. Along with your aura reading, I'll also offer you quick and easy ways to heal your aura, clear out anything negative that’s hanging around, strengthen it and choose the color you want to give off. Talk about something that’s empowering! It’s wonderful to know that you really can control your energy and use it to your benefit rather than being at the mercy of it. Book your personal and in-depth aura or a psychic reading now!

Light and blessings,


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Why Bad Things Happen To Good People

A few weeks ago I got an email from someone who had finished reading one of my books. I want to share it with you.

Hey Kelly, I am another fan of yours. I just read your spirit guide book and it is quite fascinating. Just out of curiosity what proof do you have that these are absolute facts? If these coincidences are not coincidences but something from the spirits, how is it that the holocaust and all the other travesties happened to good people? I'm not trying to be a heckler and make no mistake I do like your work but asking questions never hurts.

Thank you for your kind email. I'm so glad you've enjoyed my books! I also appreciate and welcome your questions. I, too, believe that we should all keep asking questions and keep an open mind.

By no means do I feel I know it all. I'm no messiah or the voice of God. Instead, I'm someone who's merely a few more steps ahead on the spiritual path than others might be. Everything I relay is from personal experience and information given to me by my clients after 20+ years. In the beginning, I was the most skeptical person you'd ever meet! But, after so many things happened in my own life, and witnessing it in others, I had no choice but to believe that higher beings and a higher self exists.

I guess what it all comes down to is faith. In some ways I don't like this word because it says we must simply believe rather than having proof. Though, I feel I've experienced enough personal proof to put faith in my faith. I consider myself a scientific/spiritual person.

That's an excellent question about the Holocaust and other travesties. We can look at it a few ways, though which one is correct, if any?

1. Population control (as awful as that sounds!)

2. Sacrifice for the sake of learning. (These people who lost their lives needed to leave the Earth realm at that point in time. Their passing may have been a way to teach friends, loved ones, and/or the world some valuable lessons. Also, there may have been karmic issues involved with the victims.)

3. Ignoring the signs. In some instances there were warning signs that victims chose to ignore. As with the Holocaust, many Jews (and others) saw the danger and fled, while others chose to believe the government and stayed, or felt there was no other way. Pretty soon they didn't have a choice. In my own life there have been signs I've ignored and later paid the price for, and times that I've followed the signs and reaped the benefits.

Those are the top three "reasons" that come to my mind right now. As humans we put a lot of importance on the human body and suffering. And why wouldn't we? We all want to be happy and healthy! However, sometimes it's through suffering that we grow and learn the most. Think of times in your life when you went through something sad, depressing, stressful, even devastating. Those times push you out of your comfort zone. They force you to examine your life and your choices, and very often new paths open up to you. If life is always sunshine and rainbows we won't grow. We become complacent.

I'm not saying I agree or support war, murder, genocide, and the like, I'm simply trying to look at it from the point of view of the soul rather than that of the human psyche. I'm still learning and growing too! :)

Thank you for the wonderful email.

Bright blessing to you!


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Freedom From Negativity

How often do you repeat negative things to yourself, sabotage your best efforts, and continue on the path of destructive behavior when it comes to your work, finances, health and love? Even if you aren’t aware of your negative self-talk or self-sabotage, if you’re life isn’t where you want it to be, I can guarantee you’re doing it. No matter how hard you’ve tried to succeed you just can’t get to where you want to be.  

Many people will simply accept their life as-is, even if they aren’t happy or fulfilled. They figure that this is what fate has dished out and there’s nothing they can do about it. They remain prisoners of their own negative thinking, and thoughts equal action or inaction.

It’s never too late to turn things around and enjoy freedom from negativity. One of the first keys to mind power success is realizing and accepting that you manifest everything in your life. Whether you’re overweight, lonely, broke, or hate your job, you’ve attracted it into your life. This is where some people will stop reading. They don’t want to believe they’ve invited negative people or situations into their life. They refuse to take responsibility and so they’ll always remain victims. What this means is whether they won the lottery, found Mr. or Ms. Right, or any other good thing came their way they’d find some way to mess it up and get right back to where they were before.

They wouldn’t recognize a good thing if it fell in their laps. Why? Because of subconscious programming. Your brain can only recognize what it’s used to seeing and experiencing. This means you’ll live a life of suffering, struggling, or stagnation because you’re used to it.

Many programs and exercises may not help at all or only work for a short time since they don’t go deep down where early life experiences and memories are rooted. Although you may find success temporarily those habitual ways of thinking and reacting will overpower your attempt to free yourself. That’s why so many people buy book after book, hoping to find the answer that will finally help them turn everything around.

So how do you disrupt this early childhood programming? It’s easier than you think. The reason we grope around in the dark and never find our way in life is because we have so much belief in what we’ve learned. If your father said you were stupid then you must be stupid. If your mother said you were fat or lazy then you must be fat or lazy. It doesn’t mean you like it or want it, you just believe it.

Once you begin to challenge your way of thinking and start to question the “facts” you’ve learned along the way, you’ll be able to release the faulty programming since you won’t believe it anymore. You can allow your adult mind to form new beliefs and will be able to act based on these. In time, if you no longer find these helpful you can form different beliefs until you find what works for you. Always, always question your beliefs, especially if you aren’t happy with where your life is. You don’t have to remain a prisoner of what your parents or other adults programmed into your mind, you can have freedom from negativity.

In my best selling book Reprogram Your Subconscious I go into much more detail on how to change your negative thinking habits. I also cover subjects such as programming yourself for wealth, attracting and keeping true love, the healing power of the mind, getting past self-sabotage, reprogramming your mind in three easy steps, and much, much more. Get your copy now and start changing your life today!

Light and blessings,
